Loker Batam PT. Tese Manufacturing Indonesia (2 Posisi)

Lowongan Kerja Batam Tese Manufacturing Indonesia

LOKER BATAM HARI INI 12 FEBRUARI 2025 - PT. Tese Manufacturing Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan komponen elektronika berupa sensor dan semikonduktor lainnya.

PT. Tese Manufacturing Indonesia BUTUH SEGERA:

1. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN (Mainline) - (Subject: MTC Technician_Your Name)
2. SERE OFFICER (Safety Environment and Real Estate) - (Subject SERE Officer_Your Name)

Sejarah Singkat Perusahaan 
Telemecanique Sensors disingkat dengan Tese Manufacturing Indonesia dulunya dikenal dengan nama PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam. Kemudian berubah nama menjadi PT TESE Manfacturing Indonesia setelah unit produksi sensornya dibeli oleh perusahaan holding dari Taiwan, Yageo Corporation. Saat ini PT TESE Manufacturing Indonesia di Batam memiliki sekitar 700 orang karyawan

Job Description (posisi 1):
  • Provide best response time for every issue related with equipment breakdown.
  • Perform quick trouble shooting repair and take the containment action in order to fix current problem and prevent the same problem in the future.
  • Demonstrate quick feedback or escalation to superior for any major breakdown & Give accurate information and record for any of single breakdown
  • Conduct preventive maintenance on production machine based on the schedule given. To record and share PM activity task after PM done.
  • Identify hazard in workplace; ensure the work process with those hazards and fully understand the procedure in handling the hazard.
  • Provide support for continuous improvement project, internal or cross department.
  • Identify potential accident and incident and perform quick response to take positive action to prevent any potential accident and incident (near miss).
  • Initiate, define, plan, communicate and follow up any improvement project related Breakdown time reduction for critical equipment

Requirements (posisi 1):
  • Education: Diploma or bachelor's degree (S1/DIII)
  • Automation/Electronic/Electrical/Mechatronic/Mechanical
  • At least 2 years as Maintenance technician in Manufacturing company
  • Experience to handle Preventive Maintenance and troubleshooting of customize machine,
  • Understand how to read and debugging from electrical schematic diagram and mechanical drawing
  • Understand troubleshooting concept and able to do debugging from PLC program
  • Located in Batam

Job Description (posisi 2):
  • Support the development of ISO 14001/45001/50001 policies and programs,
  • Advise and instruct on various safety-related topics (noise levels, use of machinery etc.).
  • Conduct risk assessment and enforce preventative measures,
  • Review existing policies and measures and update according to legislation,
  • Initiate and organize OHS training of employees and executives,
  • Inspect premises and the work of personnel to identify issues or non-conformity (e.g. not using protective equipment),
  • Oversee installations, maintenance, disposal of substances etc.
  • Stop any unsafe acts or processes that seem dangerous or unhealthy,
  • Record and investigate incidents to determine causes and handle worker's compensation claims,
  • Prepare reports on occurrences and provide statistical information to upper management,
  • Annual Safety and Environment program planning
  • Monthly 55, Safety and Environment audit collaborate with EHS Committee, 55 Committee, summary findings and define corrective action with related department

Requirements (posisi 2):
  • Proven experience as safety officer for 1-2 years
  • Certified on AK3 UMUM, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 (Mandatory)
  • Certified on SMK3 & ISO 50001 is a plus
  • Able to writing reports and policies for Health and Safety
  • Able to do data analysis and reporting statistic
  • Excellent communication skills with ability to present and explain health and safety topics

If you meet with our requirements, please kindly share your updated CV to:

Alamat Email Perusahaan:
Email: tese.recruitment@tesensors.com


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