Loker Batam PT. Dok Warisan Pertama (PAXOCEAN)

Lowongan Kerja Batam Dok Warisan Pertama (PAXOCEAN)

LOKER BATAM HARI INI 20 NOVEMBER 2024 - PT. Dok Warisan Pertama (PaxOcean Group) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang galangan kapal dan marine engineering di Batam.

PT. Dok Warisan Pertama (PAXOCEAN) BUTUH SEGERA:


Dok Warisan Pertama atau dikenal dengan PAXOCEAN merupakan sebuah perusahaan asing asal Cina yang bergerak dalam industri galangan kapal atau biasa disebut perusahaan Shipyard. Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya PaxOcean beralamat di Jalan Brigjen Katamso KM. 8, Tanjung Uncang, Batu Aji. Sejak berdirinya perusahaan telah banyak memproduksi Kapal, sedikitnya 600 kapal sudah dihasilkan perusahaan besar ini.

Sejarah PaxOcean
PaxOcean memiliki sejarah yang cukup panjang, memulai shipyard pertamanya tahun 2007 di Guangdong (China), perusahaan ini beberapa kali merubah namanya. Selang 5 tahun sejak berdiri tepatnya 2012 perusahaan berubah nama menjadi DDW PaxOcean Asia perubahan tersebut dikarenakan adanya akuisisi saham sebesar 67% oleh DDW Asia. Dan perubahan terakhir dengan nama  PaxOcean International di tahun 2019 setelah akuisisi saham secara total oleh DDW Asia.

Bisnis PaxOcean
Perlu diketahui bersama PaxOcean menawarkan berbagai layanan yang mencakup pembangunan baru, fabrikasi modul, perbaikan dan konversi aset energi konvensional. Produk yang sudah dihasilkan diantaranya seperti 26.000 m3 FSRU (oleh PaxOcean Zhoushan Cina), instalasi rotor sails dengan bobot 325.000 MT VLOC (terberat pertama dunia) yang terbaru di tahun 2022 ialah launching pembangunan Coastal Sustainability alliance sebuah generasi maritim yang ramah lingkungan.

Job Description (posisi 1):
  • Ensuring the resources (manpower, material, time, etc) usage are allocated according to the required of the job
  • Monitoring of department's man-hour expenditure including indirect hours, overtimes, and days off to workers.
  • Conduct frequent audits and document the outcomes to verify that enough efforts have been put in the areas of Productivity, Safety and Quality.
  • Stop processes if they do not meet specified requirements, raise occurrence report, develop corrective and Preventive action and ensure that rework is carried out to required standard
  • Motivate, direct, align and guide the team for best performance, monitor performance, and provide continuous appraisal & feedback.
  • Empower sub-ordinates and provide apt tools and technique including process improvement, suggestions and follow up on implementation.
  • Identify training requirements for subordinates and provide suitable training and guidance.
  • Take ownership of success or failure of the individual projects and resort to corrective measure to avoid recurrence in future.
  • He will be an Executive / Leader of HT Scaffolding section and he will lead the team.
  • Supervise, guide the HT Scaffolding section team and the works being carried out.
  • Review all the job risks involved and prepare/ implement risk assessment
  • Yard and subcon manpower planning as per the job requirement (in advance) and taking corrective action to ensure safety, quality & productivity
  • Implementation of safe work practices and continuous improvement on dept related activities
  • Conduct daily meeting and ensure effective execution of all planned works by the team, including subcons
  • Developing yard and subcon teams for all the challenging jobs, situations
  • Able to provide good and effective solutions for the team and the client for the Scaffolding activities
  • To meet client, owner reps, paint reps time to time and understand team performance
  • Tasking regular rounds onboard and in the yard- activity locations to ensure, enforce safety, quality, productivity among the yard/subcon team

Job Requirements (posisi 1):
  • Diploma, Graduation in Naval Arch/ ship construction/ shipyard related/ scaffolding related dicipline
  • Scaffolding supervisor advance certification and inspection, leadership certification with experience in compulsory
  • Good computer skills (MS word, Excel, Power Point)
  • Min 10-12 years experience in shipyards/ship Scaffolding-related hull treatment works
  • Must be fully conversant of Singapore scaffolding standards and PE drawings on shipyard, marine and offshore vessels etc.
  • Able to understand and estimate the jobs, activities, manhours, and able to quantify the work, percentage etc.
  • Good communication skills, written and spoken English language is must and able to plan all scaffolding related activities and able to co-ordinate with different subcons and supervise/control the jobs as per given plan/schedule.
  • Good leadership traits
  • Displays better sense of responsibility, ownership
  • Able to co-ordinate and communicate with other PJMS, commercial and subcontracting, procurements dept regarding activities, jobs.
  • Proactive and to be able to foresee and take corrective measures, rather giving excuses for damage control
  • Controlling, monitoring yards, subcon equipment's, machines, tools etc on regular basis to ensure safe operation and incident free uses.
  • To estimate the different jobs and involve with teams and client during work confirmation
  • To keep records of all activities and update HOD and daily basis for the day/night activities
  • Must be able to perform works on extended times and all situations
  • In absence of dept HOD/MGR he should be able to carry out dept activities/responsibilities well.

Additionally, he should (posisi 1):
  • He will control all the scaffolding subcons onboard and ensure that all activities are done as per safety guidelines.
  • He will ensure that all activities have been covered under the risk assessment and all RA have been addressed and control measures are in place to avoid any incidents.
  • He must follow the NOVADE (PTW) system.
  • Timekeeping by the scaffolding workforce
  • Supervise the subordinates on work result

Job Description (posisi 2):
  • To carry out, coordinate, and arrange the job/activities as requested by department objective
  • Coordinate and liaise with classification societies, third party inspection agencies, other trades to ensure adherence to related standard
  • Ensure that the work carried out complies with international construction codes and class specification.
  • To follow the Safety Rules and Regulation set refer to Occupational Health & Safety Policy and Environmental Policy by the yard
  • Order spares and equipment for dock maintenance
  • Performing planned and predative maintenance For floating docks do internal inspections and lead to carry out annual survey and acceptance with Class surveyor
  • Complete and maintain accurate, timely documentation records as required by the company policy
  • Support other teams in department as required
  • Daily management of the department activities
  • Follow the Safety Rules and Regulation stipulated in the Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Policy by the yard.

Job Requirements (posisi 2):
  • 2 years' experience in shipyard, oil & gas industry, or related fields
  • Familiar with IACS's Classification Society Rules
  • Good command in English language and effective communication skill Good planning and execution
  • Ability to work with multinational workforce
  • Industrial safety management training

For interested and qualified candidates, please submit your updated application / CV to email:

Alamat Email Perusahaan:
Email: job.batam@paxocean.com 

File no more than 5MB
with put Job Title_Full Name on your subject email.


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