Loker Batam PT. Microcast Technology Indonesia (5 Posisi)

Lowongan Kerja Batam Microcast Technology Indonesia

LOKER BATAM HARI INI 3 JANUARI 2025 - PT. Microcast Technology Indonesia adalah anak perusahaan dari Microcast Pte Ltd yang berpusat di Singapura.

PT. Microcast Technology Indonesia BUTUH SEGERA:


Sejarah dan Profil  Singkat Perusahaan
Sejarah Microcast berdiri pertama kali pada tahun 1989, sejak didirikan microcast telah banyak mensupply komponen die casting ke berbagai negara. Dengan banyaknya permintaan pasar, kami telah melakukan ekspansi keluar seperti di Cina, Spanyol dan Indonesia.

Di Indonesia kami membuka cabang perusahaan dengan nama PT Microcast Technology Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang manufacture die casting berbahan dasar zinc dan alloy. Produk yang dihasilkan Micocast dapat digunakan diberbagai industri diantaranya elektronik, telekomunikasi, otomotif, medis dan masih banyak lagi.

Kami telah dilengkapi berbagai mesin canggih untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan berteknologi seperti Die Casting Machine, Oxide Blasting Machine, Plastic Blasting Machine, Tapping Machine, Barrelling Machine, CNC Milling dan CNC EDM

Dalam menjalankan roda bisnis Microcast Technology Indonesia memiliki alamat di Batamindo Industrial Park No.13C, Muka Kuning Batam. Dan merupakan salah satu nama Daftar Perusahaan yang ada Di Batamindo yang masih aktif sampai saat ini.

Kualifikasi (posisi 1):
  • Laki-Laki
  • Lulusan SMA/Sederajat
  • Strong knowledge in Microsoft Office (Excel)
  • Memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun
  • Jujur, kreatif dan komunikatif
  • Bisa mengoperasikan mesin CNS turning dan miling

Qualification (posisi 2):
  • Male/Female
  • 3 years experience in similar position
  • Able to planning production inventory
  • Knowledge in ISO 9001-2015 (QMS) & ISO 1400:2015 (EMS)
  • Familiar with production improvement
  • Good communication skill, analytical thinking, problem solving.
  • Good oral and written communication in English
  • Can work closely with cross-functional departments
  • Strong leadership

Responsibilities (posisi 3):
  • Knowledge in ISO 9001-2015 (QMS) & ISO 1400:2015 (EMS).
  • Motivate the development process for efficiency & performance.
  • Works together with other department preparing 8 D report for internal/external complaint.
  • Investigate product quality in order to make improvement to achive better customer satisfaction

Qualification (posisi 3):
  • Male/Female
  • 3 years experience as Quality Engineer
  • Strong knowledge in Microsoft Office (Excel)
  • Knowledge in ISO 9001-2015 (QMS) & ISO 1400:2015 (EMS)
  • Knowledge of using precision measurement instrument
  • Good communication skill, analytical thinking, problem solving. 7.Good oral and written communication in English
  • Can work closely with cross-functional departments
  • Familiar wit FMEA
  • Having knowledge in 2D drawing and can do Implementation

Responsibilities (posisi 4):
  • Assist and identify problems in any operating system affecting productivity and quality.
  • Develop method and process for production.
  • Improve productivity and work methods.
  • Collaborate effectively within the team
  • Must Understand and familiar with PMFEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)

Qualification (posisi 4):
  • Male/Female
  • Minimum Diploma/Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering or relevant fields.
  • Familiar with production improvement
  • Knowledge in ISO 9001-2015 (QMS) & ISO 1400:2015 (EMS)
  • Have at least 2 years of experiences in the same field.
  • Good communication skill, analytical thinking, problem solving. 7.Good oral and written communication in English
  • Can work closely with cross-functional departments
  • Can work in a team or independently.

Responsibilities (posisi 5):
  • Receive all information for new product from Customer.
  • Prepare detailed product specifications, drawings, gauges, and tooling, ensuring they meet industry standards and customer requirements.
  • Develop documentation to support production
  • Oversee prototype preparation and product testing, conduct trial runs, and analyse results to refine quality and reliability
  • Collaborate effectively within the team
  • Receive all information for new product from Customer

Qualification (posisi 5):
  • Male/Female
  • Ability to read and understand engineering drawings and schematics, 2D/3D models, technical data sheets
  • Obtained as a minimum a Degree in Mechanical/Production/Manufacturing Engineering
  • Knowledge in ISO 9001-2015 (QMS) & ISO 1400:2015 (EMS)
  • Experience should be at minimum of 3 years and knowledge on the Operations environment and new product introduction
  • Good oral and written communication in English
  • Can work closely with cross-functional departments 8. Can work in a team or independently.

Send your CV and Portfolio:

Alamat Email Perusahaan:
Email: hrmicrocastindonesia@gmail.com
cc: recruitmentmicrocast@gmail.com


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