Lowongan Kerja Batam PT. Inmarsat Indonesia (2 Posisi)

LOKER BATAM HARI INI 01 OKTOBER 2019 - PT ISAT (Inmarsat Indonesia) is the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications services.

ISAT (Inmarsat Indonesia) is looking the best candidate with the following requirements:

Loker lainnya lihat di www.kerjabatam.com

• Degree in Computer Engineering,Computer Science or Technology Diploma from a recognized institution or equivalent (1,2)
• 5-8 years of software development programming experience (1)
• Hands on expertise using scripting language (eg. Java, PHP Perl, Python) (1)
• Hands on programming experience (eg. Java, JS, groovy, SQL DB querying etc) (1)
• Source code configuration tools (eg. Github, SVN, MKS) (1)
• Experience in QA/test environment with a focus on technical, automated testing, cloud and mainframe business workflow and services and databases (1)
• Understanding of QA process, approaches, methodologies &SDLC (Agile, Waterfall) (1)
• Experience using monitoring system (eg. Dynatrace, newrelic, grafana, graphite, ELK) and Cloud & containerization (eg. AWS, Azure, ECS, Docker, Vagrant) (1)
• Excellent database administration skills in MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and above (2)
• Experience with Oracle 10g/11g/12c and you will have experience in performance tuning, replication, RAC, backup and recovery using RMAN (2)
• Experience with the installation & configuration of Microsoft Suite of BI/Reporting tools (Reporting Services, Integration Services & Analysis Services) (2)
• Strong knowledge of networking & How it relates to database services (2)
• Strong background with cloud deployments (RDS, EC, S3) (2)
• Good communication skills and team player (1,2)
• Self-organized and able to work unsupervised (1,2)
• Experience of mobile/telecommunications industry (1,2)

If you are interested in and could meet the requirement please send your application along with CV to:

Alamat Email Perusahaan:
Email: Desiliany@inmarsat.com
Closing date for application: 20th October 2019.


  1. Info Loker yang terbit di website Kerjabatam.com diambil dari berbagai sumber media LOKER yang ada seperti Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Koran dan media-media lainnya.
  2. Seminimal mungkin Admin memposting LOKER yang bersifat PENIPUAN karena sebelum dipublish sudah difilter untuk menghidari oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan hanya ingin memanfaatkan kesempatan yang dapat merugikan Teman-teman semua.
  3. Hal yang Terpenting adalah Bijak dalam melihat Loker yang ada di website Kerjabatam.com, seperti Loker yang sudah Kadaluwarsa (Lewat waktu / Sudah Tutup). Karenanya Loker yang sudah lewat dari 7 Hari atau maksimal 2 Minggu dari tanggal Posting untuk diabaikan karena kemungkinan besar Loker sudah ditutup / kadaluwarsa oleh perusahaan. Kecuali dalam postingan terdapat tanggal deadline/batas waktu pengiriman yang Admin tulis dan teman-teman bisa merujuk itu.
  4. Jika ada pertanyaan, teman-teman dapat bergabung di Group Telegram Lowongan Kerja 2025 dengan cara klik link berikut: