Lowongan Kerja Batam PT. Home Credit Indonesia

LOKER BATAM HARI INI 17 DESEMBER 2017 - PT Home Credit Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan.

Home Credit Indonesia Batam BUTUH SEGERA:

Loker lainnya lihat di www.kerjabatam.com

• POS Stationary and Marketing Materials Management
• Responsible for POS stationary and marketing materials distribution to Field Ops
• Responsible for receiving goods, including performing quality and quantity check on inbound material
• Responsible for allocating items in warehouse and maintain the warehouse capacity
• Bundle/assemble and pack the items according to the POS needs
• Check the equipment / quantity / condition of goods to be shipped
• Perform proper hand over of POS materials to field ops.
• Coordinate with Sales, Marketing, IT, Procurement and Finance for timely order plan
• Provide tracking of POS logistics activity and send reports to city manager and warehouse and stock management senior TL
• Handle and log complaints for non-conformity in inbound or outbound process, and recommend solutions for issues.
• Office Supplies Management
• Manage stock of pantry supplies and office consumables
• Make sure all stock is tracked accurately, monitor thresholds of stock items and initiate re-ordering in time
Coordinate regional office Assistants to ensure proper stock management in office and accurate reporting and stock replenishment in time
• Generate daily and monthly office stocks report with accurate information and in timely manner
• Ensure proper reconciliation of actual vs. system details on stock positions

• University degree (can be substituted by extensive relevant experience)
• Minimum 3 years’ experience in warehousing, logistics, operations, order management or planning environment, preferably from multinational companies’ background.
• Fluent English communication and written English
• Experience with document handling and organization.
• Experience with managing revolving reports
• MS Excel knowledge (Advanced)
• MS PowerPoint knowledge (Advanced)
• MS Word knowledge (Advanced)
• Administrative skills
• Consistency, accuracy and attention to detail
• Fast learner
• Adaptable to changes
• Fairness and fair play
• Focus on results and ability to deliver
• Enthusiastic and self-driven

Kirim lamaran via Online pada link berikut:

Alamat Email Perusahaan:


  1. Info Loker yang terbit di website Kerjabatam.com diambil dari berbagai sumber media LOKER yang ada seperti Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Koran dan media-media lainnya.
  2. Seminimal mungkin Admin memposting LOKER yang bersifat PENIPUAN karena sebelum dipublish sudah difilter untuk menghidari oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan hanya ingin memanfaatkan kesempatan yang dapat merugikan Teman-teman semua.
  3. Hal yang Terpenting adalah Bijak dalam melihat Loker yang ada di website Kerjabatam.com, seperti Loker yang sudah Kadaluwarsa (Lewat waktu / Sudah Tutup). Karenanya Loker yang sudah lewat dari 7 Hari atau maksimal 2 Minggu dari tanggal Posting untuk diabaikan karena kemungkinan besar Loker sudah ditutup / kadaluwarsa oleh perusahaan. Kecuali dalam postingan terdapat tanggal deadline/batas waktu pengiriman yang Admin tulis dan teman-teman bisa merujuk itu.
  4. Jika ada pertanyaan, teman-teman dapat bergabung di Group Telegram Lowongan Kerja 2025 dengan cara klik link berikut: